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ACE Torwel Rolls Out 10 ft., 4.0 yard Stainless Steel EconomizerTM Mechanical and Truck PTO Hydraulic Powered Spreaders

Better weight distribution and increased capacity for pick-ups and platform trucks

vendor.2015.ace-torwell.economizer-spreader.jpgBellingham, Massachusetts, March, 2015 –– ACE Torwel, Inc.'s snow and ice management division recently announced a 10 ft Economizer spreader for long bed trucks.  Better weight distribution and larger capacity target more stable, reliable snow and ice control in 4.0 cubic yard models, and are proudly made in the USA.

ACE Torwel's Economizer V-box spreaders are lightweight and feature 304 stainless steel construction. The new 10 ft Economizer mechanical drive unit powered by a quiet, durable 9 hp Honda gas engine with in-the-cab panel control operating electric start, choke, throttle - flow speed.   Adjustable material deflectors offer a spreading radius of up to 40 feet.  Standard features include, 12” chute extension, built-in overload protection, and self-adjusting conveyor tensioner aids in performance and chain life, heavy-duty woven top screen, 12V battery and box, tie-down straps, and wood runners.

The 10 ft Economizer second power option is with truck PTO hydraulics (hydra-spread) has a quiet dual hydraulic drive system that provides reliable, smooth fluid power, all controlled in-the-cab.  Standard features include, built-in overload protection, and self-adjusting conveyor tensioner that aids in performance and chain life, heavy-duty woven top screen, tie-down straps, and wood runners.

Options for both models include: swing-up spinner chute this makes unloading material safe, along with making the cleaning process more efficient, headboard (cab shield), and inverted “V” design (conveyor bridge).


About the Company

From its head office in British Columbia, ACE Group manages operations in Willmar, Minnesota and Bellingham, Massachusetts, site of ACE Group partner ACE Torwel, manufacturer of commercial spreaders and snowplow/pushers sold throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas.  For more information on ACE Group and ACE Torwel products and dealer programs, please visit and, or call800-225-9415.

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